
5 Things to Consider This Black Friday

Robert Zoch
November 24, 2021

Friday, November 26 is “Black Friday,” the unofficial kickoff to the holiday peak shopping season, and typically retail’s busiest day each year. The day is typically marked by deep discounts on big-ticket items, long lines of consumers waiting to pounce on great deals when doors first open, and spontaneous “flash sales” for online shoppers. In the United States, at least, it’s become an event nearly on par with Thanksgiving, one day prior.

As a business committed to enabling and promoting sustainable, on-demand production of apparel and textile goods to eliminate waste and bring about a more eco-friendly industry, we’d like to propose five things the conscientious consumer might consider as they get in line this holiday season:

  1. Support ethical brands. As Denim Forward CEO Carlos Arias recently said, “The equipment is now available; there’s no longer an excuse to allow for unethical practices or unsustainable manufacturing.” We’re empowering brands to unleash creativity while ensuring healthy profit margins through on-demand production, operations that produce more product using less labor and footprint, safe and eco-responsible chemistry and processes, drastically reduced water waste, and more effective inventory management through precise alignment of supply and demand. Kornit’s customers are demonstrating that it’s possible to reconcile quality and variety with ethical production, and we encourage you to see what they have on offer this holiday season.
  • Buy vintage or second-hand products. Some items that might’ve fallen out of favor with one user might be just the treasure you’ve been seeking, and even second-hand stores tend to offer special promotions come the holiday season. Many brands and retailers undertake great effort to simulate “vintage” looks, so why not consider the real thing? Furthermore, if you have a pile of clothes that have lost their luster to you, perhaps it’s time to donate them to a local nonprofit organization, and maybe someone else will find that treasure they’ve been looking for!
  • Purchase clothing that is high-quality and durable. “Fast fashion” has been widely lauded for its ability to answer consumer demand quickly, and give the people what they want, befitting a digitized age in which the public expects instant gratification. That being said, many also equate “fast fashion” with cheap, thrown-together pieces that look good out of the box, but don’t hold up to multiple wearings and washes. It is with this connotation in mind that Kornit Digital offers the best of both worlds: fast, efficient production at the push of a button, while delivering retail quality and durability that will last for years to come.
  • Shop less, and choose better; only buy the apparel you truly love. We’re living in an on-demand world, and part of that new paradigm is that you need not settle for that which you’ve been presented. Producers and brands are more capable than ever of giving consumers what they want, so if you have something in mind and don’t see it on the shelf…demand it! With the KornitX Global Fulfiller Network, we’re connecting consumers, creators, and entrepreneurs with our ecosystem of producers, ready to fulfill your every textile need quickly, close to home, and with reliable quality and consistency.
  • Value and take good care of that which you already own. Textiles are the second-most polluting industry on the planet, and making it a more eco-conscious enterprise will require effort from all of us. By all means, take advantage of great deals this Black Friday and throughout the holiday season—but think not only in terms of what you want to have today, but what you’ll want to continue using for months and years to come. If you’re buying gifts, consider what might provide long-term joy and use for your loved ones. It’s an on-demand world, but haste need not beget waste. If we all approach our purchases and decisions with an eye towards eliminating carbon footprint and making our communities less wasteful, together we’ll have the products we want, and a cleaner environment, too!

Thanks for reading, and we wish you a happy, healthy—and lucrative!—holiday season.