
Halloween Special: The Spooky Nightmares of Textile Manufacturing

Nogah Senecky
February 16, 2023

Halloween is upon us, with creative costumes and decorations everywhere. And while we might be a bit too grown-up to go trick or treating, the textile and fashion arena can still relate in many ways. 


Check out three hair-raising scenarios no business wants to see at a haunted house.  


Stuck With Unsold Stock


The term “dead inventory” couldn’t be more fitting, and unsold items can be an absolute nightmare. They require resources and labor to create, take up too much storage space, and end up in landfills without even being worn. This happens to the best and biggest brands. A few years ago, retail giant H&M ended up with $4.3 billion of unsold clothes. 


We should all care about dead inventory, even if it doesn’t seem to directly impact our business plan. The energy required to create these items and the waste created by getting rid of them hurt our planet and take an environmental toll with a truly terrifying impact. After all, climate change is far scarier than Halloween.   


This frightening scenario has a clear solution. Switching to on-demand manufacturing ensures that every item created will be purchased and put to good use. The answer is simple, effective, and within reach. 


Saying ‘No’ to Great Business Opportunities


If we’re too busy with current projects, refusing to take on extra work can be triumphant. But if the reason we cannot handle a task is a lack of resources or subpar technology, that’s a different story. When opportunity knocks, we better be ready to answer. 


Handling jobs of any volume, including short runs and massive quantities, is one capability we must master. We should also offer unique creative capabilities like 3D printing, print on multiple fabrics, and be able to tackle popular materials like Polyester. Providing these services makes our business a Jack of all trades while missing out turns it into a master of none. 


Polyester Dye Migration 


Speaking of the popularity of polyester, this fabric rules entire markets like Sportswear and T-shirts, but the wrong approach might lead to chilling results. Dye migration, also known as bleeding (once again, a perfect Halloween term), is a process in which dyed fabric fibers bleed ink into the printed image. High temperatures are often the cause, and this tragic result can occur long after the item has been created. Kornit’s ProGuard blocker acts like the Ghostbuster of migrating ink, keeping everything exactly where it should be. 


This Halloween, we hope you enjoy beautifully printed costumes and a carefree printing process. If you wake up in cold sweat worrying about the above issues, it’s time to find scary-good technology solutions to fix them.