
Creating a New World: How We All Became Creators

Nogah Senecky
February 21, 2023

Businesses everywhere know that the separation between B2B and B2C has undergone several transformations. We used to think of businesses as very detached, and today, we know that professionals are all people who want to connect emotionally with their partners and communicate in a conversational tone. 


Similarly, the B2C part of the equation has changed, and younger generations prove that every consumer considers themselves a brand and expects businesses to take them just as seriously. Survey found that 56% of Gen Z members view themselves as creatives, making this generation the most creative one yet. With content creation growing rapidly as new platforms join the party, we must change B2C to business-to-creators. Here’s what that means for textile businesses. 


Consumers – out; Creators – In


The rise of creators has been an ongoing process that started back when social media networks suddenly made it incredibly easier to share a piece of our world. Younger generations who grew up with a smartphone and an agenda took things to the next level. Today, consumers want to become brand co-creators. That includes appearing in authentic campaigns and designing a unique look for themselves and others interested in purchasing it. 


Not everyone who does it wants to become a famous influencer. Some just want to celebrate self-expression and use products that cater to their taste and needs. People may document their lives instead of making photo albums, create memories for family and friends, and enjoy the creative freedom offered by technology. 


Still, 45% of young creators aspire to turn this creativity into a thriving business that earns them a good living. Therefore, textile brands must take this angle seriously and avoid dismissing it as a gimmick. 


All Media Types, All the Time 


Consumers want to filter their photos, accessorize their jewelry, record their music, and design their outfits. Textile businesses that offer a creative path win a massive layer of shoppers looking to turn their fantasy look into actual garments. 


This is the new consumption culture. To enable this grassroots design movement to grow, on-demand manufacturing is critical, as it eliminates the need for stock and answers end-customers’ wishes quickly. 


Oh, and it all has to be digital, because everything else is. 


Making your online design and production platform accessible, user-friendly, and shareable is another must. Allow shoppers to pride themselves in participating in the design process. They’ll become instant brand ambassadors who invite others to create (and buy) their own versions. 

Inclusivity = Creativity 


Diversity and creativity have such a fascinating symbiotic relationship. These values are a match made in textile heaven, and brands that pay attention to one often discover the other. 


A diverse society gains enhanced creativity because more voices and opinions are heard, representing a wider range of life journeys. In the design sphere, it reminds us that there should be a place and a voice for everyone. The age of the online creator opened the door to many voices, impacting products and campaigns in every vertical. 


Textile businesses should use accessible platforms, consider all kinds of target audiences, and acquire as many creative capabilities as possible so that people can design their dream items in any size, font, and shade. 


Kornit’s extended color gamut that includes neon colors, our 3D decorative applications – XDi, and the ability to print on multiple fabrics all support the creative spirit that shoppers demonstrate and expect from brands. Add the imagination and inspiration of countless shoppers, and you’ll get a bright and brilliant future for textile design. We’re just getting started.