
The Paper Trail Leads to Textile Printing: 6 Reasons for Paper Businesses To Make the Transition

Nogah Senecky
February 27, 2023

The digital revolution covers every field we can think of, but some fields feel the transformation in the most impactful way. The paper arena faces rapid and profound change that causes many businesses and professionals to recalculate their route. 


A recent survey among Governance, Risk, and Compliance Management professionals found that 80% of respondents want their organization to digitize and eliminate paper use. At the same time, rising energy and raw material costs cause major financial struggles, with machine shutdowns and weak production rates. Last year’s statistics from Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, paint a gloomy picture. Mill closures and cutbacks regularly make the news, sending a clear and painful message to everyone in the paper industry. 


But there’s always a silver lining, and in this case, it’s made of fabric. 


While the paper industry may be changing, some things remain just as relevant, like the skills of talented people in the field who can make a relatively easy transition to the booming vertical of digital textile printing. If you’re considering your next move, check out no less than six solid reasons to join the textile printing family. 


  1. No one is about to eliminate clothes: As far as we know, the future still requires fashionable outfits. Textile printing covers such a broad spectrum of use cases that its stability is almost guaranteed. Even during severe global crises like the one the world recently experienced due to Covid, people shop for outfits. As long as your printing technology allows you to adapt and remain flexible, your business will enjoy much-needed stability. 


  1. Easy professional integration: Switching fields can be challenging. Focus on areas where your skills remain relevant, leading to quicker, successful assimilation. While there are technical differences between printing on paper and fabric, much of the required knowledge can be beneficial in either field. Cutting market research and training time for you and your team will also cut costs and lead to profit much faster. 


  1. On-demand reduces the risk: Building and maintaining inventory is a considerable risk for new businesses. Thankfully, textile printing businesses have the option to eliminate that risk by opting for on-demand production that doesn’t require stock in the first place. Reducing the risk of entering the new field can be comforting and reassuring, but this advantage will continue to serve your textile printing business in the long run.  


  1. Tap into your existing client base: You’d be surprised at the number of clients who will follow you to the new vertical. Promotional printing is relevant for paper and textile products, with many brands requiring vendors operating in both fields. Your familiarity with the market will help you close deals, rely on your solid reputation, and create a new success story. 


  1. Plenty of opportunities: There’s plenty of room in the textile family, with new specialty niches popping up. Personalization, 3D applications, sustainable production, and more. You’ll be able to build a name for yourself as the go-to printing business in that field, forming stable relationships with brands and guaranteeing lasting, ongoing profitability. 


  1. Tech is on your side: The transition to digital seemed like your worst enemy until now, but as you switch to digital textile printing, you’ll see it’s quite the opposite. Advancements like Kornit’s MAX technology allow you to print any volume, design, and fabric specifications without hesitation. 


Where one door closes, another opens. For paper businesses looking to change their direction, the door leads to a creative and lucrative world of textile printing. Best of luck, and don’t forget to schedule a call with Kornit’s printing pros to learn all about the tools and technologies to get you started on the right foot.