
International Women’s Day Goes Digital, and Here’s What It Means for the Textile Industry

Nogah Senecky
March 7, 2023

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, recognizing the importance of digital education for all genders. Studies find there’s a digital gender gap causing women to have less access to digital solutions. For instance, 264 million fewer women have access to mobile internet compared to men. 


This gender divide translates to fewer opportunities in a world where over 90% of jobs have a digital component. Women are left out for multiple reasons, including stereotypes that consider technology masculine, the fear of being treated poorly in digital spaces, alarming online harassment rates, and more. 


At this point, you might be thinking that this is fascinating information that has nothing to do with your textile printing business. But here are four things you can do to support this important goal. 


  • Choose user-friendly digital solutions: Intuitive digital solutions that don’t require long training and specific skills help people of all genders and backgrounds enter the field and advance to new work environments. When designing the Kornit MAX line, we made sure to keep things simple and smart, allowing for easy operation, management, and maintenance. 


  • Keep your digital spaces safe: From your company blog to any professional community you’re part of, digital spaces give you a voice, so do your best to share the right message. Ensure that every customer, employee, and business partner is seen and included in the conversation. 


If you notice a trend where only certain people speak up and ask questions, be mindful of that and encourage less vocal groups to share their thoughts. Do so by featuring female speakers, tagging community members and asking for their feedback, and monitoring the group to prevent any unwelcoming behavior. This will also provide insights regarding key target audiences you might be overlooking.


  • Diversify your team: In your hat as an employer, you can give talented and deserving women leading positions in tech-oriented roles. Research finds that women apply for fewer jobs and only do so if they fit 100% of the job description. Considering everything we already know about the digital gender gap, employers can help by encouraging candidates with a less techie background to apply and learn as they go. Oftentimes, the candidate’s specific experience is far less critical than their skills and personality. 


  • Promote gender equality in fashion: This tip isn’t necessarily digital, but it is too important to leave out. Textile printing is an important part of the fashion world, and we know all too well the impact of this industry on women. From impossible standards to uncomfortable trends, fashion brands can do a whole lot better. As a valuable part of the supply chain, pushing the brands you collaborate with to improve is your responsibility. Share messages of gender equality, celebrate brands that get it rights, and choose your partners carefully. 


The future is female and digital. This International Women’s Day, make it your mission to turn the textile and fashion industry into a more inclusive and aware space. We will all benefit from the variety of voices and life experiences these actions can bring to light.