
Artificial Fashion: 6 Overlooked Ways AI Will Transform Fashion Design

Nogah Senecky
February 16, 2023

Conversational artificial intelligence technologies like Chat GPT have been the topic of countless water cooler talks, including the ones in which we all asked the bot whether or not it would take over our jobs. 


In the fashion world, we’ve seen visual AI tools create beautiful designs. Independent artists displayed their AI-generated version of renaissance-inspired Nike streetwear, dedicated tech tools were created specifically for designing collections, and one thing became very clear: AI is finally really here.  


But as is often the case, we tend to get caught up in all the design-focused commotion, losing track of other, more meaningful implications of this groundbreaking technology. To help us all gain this much-needed focus, here are six influences of AI on the retail and fashion world that might have escaped you, but not anymore. 


  1. Customization leaps forward: Shoppers have wanted to design their own clothes for quite some time, and there are excellent platforms and services inviting them to do so. But what may have prevented many from taking on this task was the simple understanding that not everyone is a designer. 


We all have ideas and thoughts, but many of us needed a way to turn them into illustrated designs that vendors can manufacture. Well, the solution is here. Writing detailed prompts for AI engines will result in numerous design options to choose from, making the path from thought to product quicker and simpler than ever. Everyone’s a fashion designer now. 


  1. Small fashion businesses will flourish: When those amateur designers realize that their thoughts-turned-products generate interest, they might consider turning this fun hobby into a real business. For this purpose, they will need the right network of vendors and fulfillers who can help them execute their business vision on a broader level. Solutions like the Kornitˣ Global Fulfillment Network will get them in touch with everyone they need to succeed in this task. 


  1. Things move even faster: If you thought the market was moving at a crazy fast pace, get ready for the era of AI. Collections will be generated in a tap, and customers will expect them at their front step the next day. Developing effective on-demand production lines is already a must for businesses, and this advancement makes it a non-negotiable. Businesses will harness solutions that can guarantee speed without compromising quality, like the new MAX line of systems by Kornit


  1. Digital is the only way: Some businesses have debated between screen printing and advanced tech capabilities. When the world takes another leap toward enhanced digitization, the answer is clear. Shoppers, vendors, and investors will all seek the most advanced digital solution, and businesses that have yet to make that transition are about to find themselves out of the game. Businesses will also use more digital solutions to improve their productivity and cost-effectiveness, making performance data and tools like Kornit Konnect more common.


  1. Creativity will flourish: For better or worse, amateur designers have never heard of some limitations that professionals in the field have been accepting as axioms for decades. They are about to ask for things that we have grown to consider impossible, making them more than possible as a result. Creative capabilities will have to become more flexible and groundbreaking, making things like 3D decorations (hey Kornit XDi, we’re looking at you) an absolute must. The same goes for printing on multiple fabrics, using any ink color imaginable. 


  1. We can all dream bigger: When creativity is enhanced, everyone is given a chance to design, and effective autonomous operations make it all happen — the sky’s truly the limit. Instead of fearing AI, we should be excited to see what it has in store and how we can harness it to make life easier and more creative.