
Fashion for Everyone: How to Achieve Diversity in Our Industry

Maor Yur
March 28, 2022

There are so many factors to consider when planning a fashion campaign or event. The list includes garments, invitations, lighting, music, and everything in between. Unfortunately, one critical element that often gets lost in the noise is creating a diverse and inclusive experience, letting the world know that this brand understands the needs and values of today’s audiences. 

Diverse companies in any field manage to increase their profit by hiring employees from different backgrounds and enjoying multiple voices and opinions. In fashion, diversity also means catering to different age groups, sizes, and preferences in the items on sale and the faces representing the brand. 

We discuss the topic of inclusion in fashion on many levels, including gender-neutral garments and clothing solutions for people with disabilities. Diversity was also a central value when planning Kornit’s Fashion Week runway shows. Here are several ideas to keep in mind for an inclusive fashion celebration.
  1. Remember that diversity is the key to creativity: Fashion should have no boundaries, but the narrow definitions that once led the industry leave very little room for groundbreaking moves. Creating garments and campaigns that challenge traditional conceptions isn’t just politically correct but also essential for a thriving, creative space where anything’s possible. When launching technologies that enable printing in any color on any fabric, we remember that the right intentions are needed to complete the creative puzzle. 
  1. Understand the bottom line: There’s a strong connection between diversity and profit. First, because we offer a wide range of product sizes that speak to more audiences and expand growth. Second, when we open our minds to all kinds of backgrounds, new ideas enter the game that open the door to more opportunities. 

Last but not least, today’s audiences appreciate inclusive brands and reward them with more business and loyalty. A third of customers actively consider inclusion when making purchasing decisions. The same audiences can also spot inauthenticity, so it’s vital that our intentions remain honest and come from the right place. Still, convincing business leaders to promote diversity by mentioning the boost in sales never hurts. 

  1. Lead with diversity: It’s not enough to declare that your brand is inclusive. The campaigns and shows you release must demonstrate it. Today, around 90% of people still feel underrepresented in fashion advertising campaigns and displayed images. This has been the case for many years, but nowadays, social media gives customers who feel left out a voice and a chance to confront brands publicly.  
  1. Inclusion for sale: Some companies feature a variety of looks and sizes in their ads, but when customers enter their stores, they learn that these clothes are unavailable. Putting inclusion to practice means that shoppers of any shape and size can find lovely outfits to wear, making the collection genuinely accessible. 

While the notion of producing so many items seems problematic, on-demand manufacturing solutions make it easy. Companies can cater to shoppers’ needs without any added risk and diversity becomes about a lot more than just PR. 

  1. Educating for diversity: For the fashion industry to be more inclusive, those employed and enrolled in fashion institutions must come from a wide range of backgrounds. We know that many creative industries are not diverse in terms of ethnicity. Fashion schools, internships, and jobs determine the minds that end up creating collections, and when they all look the same so do the garments they produce. 

This is an exciting time in the fashion world and beyond. Many people and businesses begin to see things that up until now were below the surface. If we harness this rising awareness and pair it with enabling technologies, the next era in fashion can be far more creative, equal, and beautiful. 

We are very excited about Kornit Fashion Week and look forward to either seeing you there in person or having you follow us live on our different social media channels. We couldn’t think of any better way to practice what we preach