
Kornit Konnect: The Power of Your DTG Performance Data, Delivered

Robert Zoch
February 10, 2020

We sit down to talk with Roy Klein, product manager for Kornit’s new Konnect software for managing production in textile and apparel design.

Kornit Digital: In your own words, what is Kornit Konnect, and what need does it address?

Roy Klein, product manager, Kornit Konnect: Konnect is a software platform that empowers managers to monitor and control their print operations across multiple facilities or regions, using a single dashboard, from their home office, cell phone, the beach, the golf course—you name it.

KD: Does this technology interface with ALL Kornit print systems, and is it designed to work with future offerings as well?

RK: Konnect will be available for all new Kornit DTG systems, and future systems will be developed for compatibility with this software, as well. As with any Kornit technology, we will continue to find ways to optimize this experience for our customers.

KD: Does Kornit Konnect remove manual work from the printing process, and if so, how so?

RK: Konnect does not remove the human element from day-to-day operation, but gives businesses considerable data insights into those operations. Monitor production stats at all times—number of impressions, speed, availability, etc. Use these performance metrics to set short- and long-term production goals. Analyze ink consumption and trends, and determine costs associated with different jobs, graphics, garment types, and more. If a machine or operator isn’t performing to its capacity, identify the problem and troubleshoot right away.

KD: For which scale is this technology intended (across a production floor, across multiple facilities, globally, etc.)?

RK: Konnect scales to meet the needs of any print operation, from shops using a single machine to those using dozens on multiple continents. It’s cloud-based, so it’s everywhere you need it to be.

KD: Is it available today? If not, when is general availability expected?

RK: Konnect reached the market in August, and will be included with any system sold from this point forward. Those already using Kornit systems will receive an upgrade shortly. Perhaps most importantly, we are providing this software to all customers free of charge, because Kornit has long promised to offer the best digital print technology in the marketplace, and we believe fulfilling that promise should not cost extra for our users. When they see how Konnect enhances their production routines, they will know Kornit is the best of the best, and will look to us when additional needs come along.

KD: How does this change the game for print businesses looking to bring operations onshore, or, conversely, expand to new territories?

RK: Konnect gives management unparalleled control over their operations, which will ultimately give them the confidence they need to pursue any business strategy they see as most conducive to their needs. Whether the systems in question are consolidated to one floor or distributed to all corners of the earth, they have a uniform view of performance, which means better decision-making and ultimately more efficiency.