
Rialto Designs Delivers Sustainable Fashion Production with Kornit Presto

Sharon Donovich
August 11, 2021

‘’The Kornit Presto supports inline production onto synthetics, natural fabrics, and blends, creating a smoother and more streamlined production process. It has also increased speed of delivery and decreased our environmental impact!”

Founded 25 years ago by textile technologist brothers Riyaz and Mohsin Omarji, Rialto Designs has established a loyal client base that includes many of the UK’s leading fashion brands.

In recent years, the company has downsized its analog screen production and adopted digital direct-to-garment capabilities. Two Kornit Avalanche HD6 systems for on-demand DTG production have streamlined operations and increased output to gain new market opportunities.

The latest single step, eco-friendly kornit Presto S helps align Rialto’s roll-to-roll workflow with commercial growth and delivers high-quality natural and synthetic pieces, in any quantity and in short order.

Riyaz and his team recognized that the sector offered an opportunity to diversify and were ready as the fashion market began shifting towards sustainable, flexible on-demand production. They were also prepared to offer a nearshore service during the pandemic.

“The pandemic has accelerated some key market trends—reshoring in particular,” says Riyaz. “Clients do not have time to print abroad and are moving their production to the UK. They are also requiring less products and greater variation, which is combining to increase overall volumes.”

“At the same time, the requirements for printed pattern diversity across multiple fibres as well as new product groups have also increased,” he adds. “We want to continue to service the fashion marketplace with millions of metres of dye sublimation prints onto polyester bases while at the same time positioning ourselves for the inevitable market evolution. That is why we have strategically invested in our future with new technology that’s adaptive.”

Kornit’s DTG technology helps Rialto to deliver a service that sets it apart on speed, sustainability, and high quality. Clients can now order printed samples across hundreds of fabric bases—polyester and natural—and receive their orders within 24 hours.

Riyaz had been keeping a watchful eye on the pigment print marketplace, like Kornit’s proprietary pigment inks and the solution’s unique single-step process with “Fixation on the Fly.”

“We needed to invest in new technology to expand our services and simplify the print process,” says Riyaz. “The Kornit Presto supports inline production onto synthetics, natural fabrics, and blends, creating a smoother and more streamlined production process. It has also increased speed of delivery and decreased our environmental impact.”

The new addition is transforming the business: “Buyers are becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of fashion and the products they buy, so our investment in sustainable technology from Kornit has been a valuable asset during these challenging times. We are also well-placed to service our clients and expand the business.”

The responsiveness and productivity of Kornit’s Presto perfectly supports Rialto’s broad and growing customer base. Its ability to address sustainable concerns also ensures it responds to today’s market demands while being ready to address future trends, too. It empowers Rialto to consistently deliver outstanding look and feel using responsible, reliable, and environmentally conscious methods.

Ready to take it to the next level?

Contact us and we’ll be happy to schedule a call and short demo to get the full picture and see the impact of Kornit’s technologies on your business.